Thank you for your generosity and participation.
Modest monthly donations will help us accomplish our objectives.
How much is recreation in American Fork Canyon worth to you?
Your donations are now tax deductible.
We have received our 501(c)(3) status.

Donate Now for

Individuals or Corporations who would like to participate in our Founders Circle click here for more information  

Donation Options
To pay via PayPal-please click “make a donation.”

To pay by check- Please address your check to “American Fork Canyon Alliance” and send to:
American Fork Canyon Alliance
c/o CPA Stephen Shelley
15 North 100 East
American Fork, Utah 84003If you would like to also make a modest monthly donation to help sustain our charitable efforts, please use the link below.

When would you like this to Recur?
How many times would you like this to recur? (including this payment)
Enter Your Donation Amount

Your donation to the AFCA will: Help fund us pay for the last parcel of land on Miller Hill and for the associated survey and our other charitable purposes.

The AFCA parcel of land is located in the midst of Snowbird Resorts land holdings and abuts several small parcels of Forest Service managed public lands. The road that services this area was in danger of being closed by the proposed resort expansion.

  1. Now with our landlease program, the general public can purchase a landlease and help us keep the access open.
  2. AFCA has been involved with AF Canyon planning and will be a voice of the people to help protect historic uses.
  3. Provide marketing, operational and campaign materials to promote recreation and conservative practices for this very special area.

From our humble beginnings, and each year with subsequent increasing support, the American Fork Canyon Alliance had some amazing accomplishments that we couldn’t have achieved without the generous support of our donors and volunteers.

Please encourage your family and friends to become active protectors of American Fork Canyon.
Together we have, and will continue to make a difference for those who follow.
Donate to American Fork Canyon Alliance- A Utah Non-profit and 501c3.
We are an all volunteer organization.
Thank you for your donation!